A wide range of yeast extracts to intensify the taste of food with natural umami
Consumers in the Asia Pacific are consuming excessive dietary salt of 8 to 9g daily. Concerned by this, the WHO Member States pledged to reduce 30% of the population dietary salt intake by 2025.

With the consumers' demand of low sodium food and newly introduced regulations, salt reduction has become a big challenge for food manufacturers.

According to Mintel, 50% of Indian consumers aged 18 and above claim to eat healthily all the time. In Australia, consumers aged above 18 consider natural ingredients as one of a factor when shopping for food. In the Asia Pacific, they choose to eat a diet that reduces the risk of "lifestyle diseases" (e.g. hypertension).
Biospringer's solution to achieve salt reduction

Springer® Umami yeast extracts is a high natural umami product that works perfectly well in a salt-reduced recipe without compromising the taste. It helps you to achieve salt reduction up to 30%*, by maintaining the flavor intensity and richness.

Springer Umami range:
✔ Intensifies salt perception
✔ Reinforces the taste
✔ Provides long-lasting performance

*Varies with application and ingredient matrix

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This leaflet has been made for the Asia Pacific market.

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